Our Mission

I want every human to know that their bodies and spirits are elastic, regenerating and capable of self-healing.

Our Vision

I believe that any illness or challenge has its cure. You just need to find it, commit to it and activate it.


Medical Intuition, Psychic Mediumship or Energy work are not to be construed as the practice of medicine, psychotherapy, or any other licensed healthcare practice, and are not a substitute or replacement for the services of licensed healthcare providers.





After a series of illnesses – PCOS, meningitis, a rare liver virus, cancer and being hit by taxi – I learned that every illness has a multitude of cures and remedies, lots of which are not available in hospitals and...
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» Medical Intuition
» Reiki
» Polarity Therapy
» Hypnosis
» Holistic Nutrition & Herbalism


The Emotion, Body & Belief Codes are together a powerful emotional release technique that allows you to release old stories and trauma without having to re-experience them.

The idea is to release emotional, mental and energetic blocks from the tissues by bringing awareness and acknowledgement to them. As the blocks are released, the body is then able to heal and re-balance itself.

The process itself is very simple, gentle and easily done over the phone - though it can be done in studio and combined with a bodywork modality. As well as myself, there are practitioners at Thrive who comprise a variety of healing modalities - acupuncture, chiropractic work, Chinese herbalism, Reiki, Sound healing, Shamanic work, Breath work - that can be combined into treatments. The results are astonishing - though it can require several sessions for chronic conditions. I find it works best for acute physical pain, anxiety or health challenges that are currently baffling to doctors. One can also use the Body Code to release abundance blocks and emotional obstacles to love and partnership.

A session doesn’t require any special preparation and takes 45 minutes. You simply sit and allow me to release each block, perhaps answering questions or bringing attention to moments in your life history.

The system was created by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a chiropractor who was healed from kidney issues as a child by alternative and complementary practitioners. One can learn more about it on the Discover Healing website.




» Medical Intuition
» Reiki
» Polarity Therapy
» Hypnosis
» Emotion, Body & Belief Codes


Food is love. Eating should bring you pleasure. Having studied Healing with Whole foods, Green Medicine (Naturopathy), Chinese Medicine, Nutritional Healing and Holistic Nutrition, as well as resolved my meningitis, liver virus, PCO and cancer using diet and supplements, I am convinced your diet can change your life. I suggest herbs, vitamins and supplements to my patients but I do not prescribe. Instead, I have a large network of highly-skilled, pre-tested homeopaths, acupuncturists and naturopaths who I’ve tested on my body (and my kids) so I often refer people.The right foods, herbs and supplements can do more for your energy levels, your libido, your ability to manage stress and your ability to heal yourself than any pills or medicines. I work with people who’ve been challenged by different cancers, autoimmune diseases, long COVID and as well as menopause, weight issues, allergies or simple fatigue and watched them bounce joyfully back to life. I am constantly reading, studying and learning more about physiology and diet and following new information and trends to keep my patients up-to-date. As Hippocrates says, “Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine.”





» Medical Intuition
» Reiki
» Polarity Therapy
» Holistic Nutrition & Herbalism
» Emotion, Body & Belief Codes




Hypnosis is one of the most powerful habit-changing processes you will ever experience. The idea is to activate your conscious and your subconscious mind to make changes in your body or your life.
I am finding it more and more useful as a way to access past (and future) lives in order to bring more freedom and agency in this current life.

A hypnosis session is actually a guided meditation. The patient is fully dressed, lying on a massage table or seated in a comfortable chair and the practitioner leads the patient through a story with physical cues and repetition, designed to activate the physical and subconscious mind. At the end of a session, a patient is given an mp3 to listen to when falling asleep to reinforce the changes.  Hypnosis is also extremely effective for stopping smoking, weight-loss and shifting other habitual behavior.





» Medical Intuition
» Reiki
» Hypnosis
» Holistic Nutrition & Herbalism
» Emotion, Body & Belief Codes


Polarity is one of the best ways to read, heal and integrate your body’s structure. It’s a system of healing developed by an osteopath called Dr. Randolph Stone. Since osteopathy is a study of the structure of the body, the idea is that subtle shifts cause major changes in the way your body processes emotion, trauma and energy. Polarity integrates many other schools of healing, it uses the Ayurvedic principles of energy – thus the “poles” of negative and positive energy – much of the touch and palpitations of massage and intuitive cranio-sacral work and a channeling of Source similar to Reiki or Reconnective Healing. Because it’s such a comprehensive approach to energy work, I’ve seen polarity treatment cause very big transformations in people’s lives. The Registered Polarity Practitioner course is 550 hours of study, along with anatomy, physiology, nutrition and exercise and 150 hours of hands-on work. Dr. Stone was a theosophist who was greatly influenced by Rudolf Steiner and mystic traditions from Sufism to Hinduism. I find that after years of practice, I now successfully do distance healing, often on the phone.


While I have always seen spirits, in the summer of 2018 I took an intensive workshop with Psychic Medium Lisa Williams. I discovered I had the ability to connect with spirits and pass on their messages to their friends and loved ones still on this plane. I do readings that are a combination of insight into your present situation with messages and advice (not that you should always take it!) from your spirit guides and the spirits around you.


My readings usually take one to two hours depending on how quickly I connect with Spirit. I prefer to do them on the phone or by even by text as I find my focus becomes tighter without the visual distractions (and all my years in advertising have left me with the attention span of a flea). As I have been traveling a lot lately, it’s easier to find me by phone than in-person.






» Medical Intuition
» Polarity Therapy
» Hypnosis
» Holistic Nutrition & Herbalism
» Emotion, Body & Belief Codes


Since I learned Reiki from different teachers, I discovered there are differing opinions on what it is and how it works. The simplest way to understand it is to break it apart – Rei and Ki. Rei is Higher Intelligence or Universal Intelligence or even the Divine, if that’s what you believe. Ki is the Japanese word for life energy or Qi as it’s called in Chinese medicine. Depending on the philosophy, it works by helping the energy move through your body or by channeling Source energy. When I work, I tend to combine Reiki with Craniosacral Therapy, Brennan Healing and Reconnective Healing and the results have been very powerful in changing people’s health and speeding the healing process. I don’t know how it works, but somehow, my hands become activated and I am drawn to the person’s injuries or blockages. The patient lies, fully-dressed, on a massage table, face up or face down, depending on the individual issue. Sometimes, my hands are off the body and other times, I do gentle palpitations or simply place my hands in different positions. The patient usually feels warmth or tingling in the areas being addressed and afterwards feels energized or very relaxed. The process usually takes about an hour.

Medical Intuition




» Reiki
» Polarity Therapy
» Hypnosis
» Holistic Nutrition & Herbalism
» Emotion & Body Code


Medical Intuition isn’t really a “medical” practice. Instead, it’s a description of an intuitive “reading” of the body rather than just the spirit or the energetic field. The great majority of people come to me either referred by doctors, dentists or therapists or on their own when they have puzzling issues or symptoms. Or when they have exhausted the treatments available to them in the Western medicine industry. When I do a reading, I go through the body from head to toe, using my inner vision, knowing, sensing, hearing, smelling and tasting. Interestingly, because I am experiencing your physical body energetically or through the quantum field, I don’t need you to be physically present with me - I work on the phone with people in Europe, India, Pakistan, Singapore, Japan and all over the U.S. without ever seeing them or meeting them.

Together, you and I will explore the physical, spiritual and emotional blocks that may be held in your body. We might confirm our understanding with the Emotion or Body Code system. Then we might work together further or I might direct you to a medical or alternative practitioner for more work.

Legal Disclaimer: Medical Intuition is not to be construed as the practice of medicine, psychotherapy, or any other licensed healthcare practice, and is not a substitute or replacement for the services of licensed healthcare providers.



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